Page Last Update | 19-09-2016 10:05 AM

Profile : KVK Rayagada

District Profile  

Total geographical area -7.58 Lakh ha which is 4.8% of state. It is situated in between 190 and 190 58’ North Latitude and 830 54’ to 840 2’ East Latitude.

Total population of the district is 9, 67, 911. Out of which 13.9% SC and 55.75 % ST.

Net sown area is 1,93,540 ha.

Soil type : The red or mixed red loam soil 41.75%, laterite soil is 30.71% followed by alluvial soil 14.76%, black soil 1.43% and brown forest soil 11.35% of the total geographical area. Soil with toxicity and alkalinity is 4.01% and 5.38%

Total irrigated area:  500088 ha

The normal rainfall of the district is 1285.9 mm in 65 rainy days against the state average of 1502.6 mm and 73 rainy days.

Geographical Area

7.58746  Lakh ha which is 4.8% of state

Net Sown Area

193504 ha

Area Under Forest

300926 ha (39.7% of total G. area)

Fallow Land

143238 ha.

Waste Land

3492 ha

Irrigated Land

50088 ha

Area under Kharif crops

179912  ha

Area under Rabi crops

44484 ha

Cropping Intensity


Agro Climatic Zone

North Eastern Ghat Zone

Annual Rainfall

1285.9 mm in 65 rainy days


Max- 44.8 0C and Min- 09 0C


Longitude- 83054’ to 8402’ East

Latitude - 1900’ to 19058’ North

Soil type of the district

The red or mixed red soil or latterite soil is 30.71% followed by alluvial soil 14.76%, black soil 1.43% and brown forest soil

Major enterprises in the District

Paddy, Cotton, Ragi, Pigeon Pea, Maize, Oil palm, Sunflower, Minor millets, Cashew nut, Mango and Pineapple

Total Population

9, 67, 911

Rural population

7, 20, 819

No. of Villages


No. of G. P.


No. of Blocks


No. of subdivisions


No. of Tehsils


No. of SF (Families)


No. of MF (Families)


No. of semi medium (Families)


No. of medium families


No. of Big families


 Total farm  families


Agril. Labourer



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