Success Story

Serial No. Title of storyFather's NameAgeQualifictionAddressKvk InterventionDescriptionImageImage1
1 High Remunerative Sweet Corn CultivationMr. Nimala Baya52Under matricPradhaniguda, Block- Gunupur, Dist.- RayagadaMr. Laxmanmurthy and other farmers of Pradhaniguda were growing vegetables and maize conventionally. By the intervention of KVK scientists sweet corn was introduced in the village for commercial cultivation by continuous training, diagnostic field visit and FLD.Mr. Nimala Laxmanmurthy having 3.5 acres of farming land is solely depended on agriculture farming in his native place. Mr. Laxmanmurthy had grown sweet corn var. Sugar- 75 in 1.0 acre land in kharif and rabi 2017-18 at Pradhaniguda village of Gunupur block. He followed improved method of management practices such as line sowing, recommended dose of fertilizers, IPM & IDM. He followed improved cultivation practices, harvested 21, 150 number of green cobs of sweet corn and got gross return of Rs. 63, 500.00 from 1.0 acre area with net gain of Rs. 43, 000/- in kharif season with an expenditure of Rs. 20, 500/-. Similarly he cultivated sweet corn var. Sugar-75 in rabi season and got net income of Rs. 44,000/-. Mr. Laxmanmurthy has become brand for growing of sweet corn in his village and locality. As this crop gives good yield and better return other farmers of his and neighboring villages were very much encouraged to grow this crop in large scale throughout the year.
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