Community Radio Centre going to be established
in recently in Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rayagada
ICT will be in agriculture sector, together with
traditional inputs & interventions farmers. Radio plays a vital role in
passing on information to farming community as quickly as possible.
Community Radio is a powerful medium for education and development.
CR is 'characterized as a mouthpiece for socially, economically, politically
and culturally marginalized people & as a tool for development of society
improved input for agriculture, education and would encourage members of the
community to associate together to design, produce and air programmes'
(Srivastava, 2007).
Aims of Community
participation of people in the development process.
Capacity- building,
especially in rural areas, through education.
Providing opportunities to people to upgrade their skills
and enhance their creative talents.
Preserving and promoting traditional wisdom,
knowledge and skills, thereby helping to promote and project the local languages, arts, crafts,
culture and traditions.
Bringing within easy reach of the rural population,
topical information in areas of agriculture, social welfare, education, health
and environment.
Creating rural networks for
cottage and village industries.
Strengthening Panchayat Raj